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Having a firm and knowledgeable grasp of the form is one thing, but keeping up with the latest changes and insights to ensure you’re meeting regulatory expectations is another matter. Join FMS for 5300 Call Report for Credit Unions virtual education and take full advantage of all the reporting options available to you. This 3-day program is a must for credit union accounting professionals or anyone aiding in the completion of the report. The agenda will cover:
Ensure you’re armed with the tools to prepare for your next filing and register to attend 5300 Call Report for Credit Unions today!
Recorded September 18 - 20, 2023
Earn up to 8 hours of CPE
The Call Report is constantly in a state of change. We worked through the extensive changes that took place over the course of the past few years. As we are nearing the end of the third quarter of 2023, this virtual will re-visit the common questions that arose from CECL implementation. In addition, we will discuss reporting TDRs/Modified loans, as well as Reference Rate Reform matters as the termination of LIBOR became effective on June 30, 2023. This 3-part virtual will provide information on new, proposed and revised changes to the Call Report with identification of specific Call Report line items impacted. Accounting guidance and regulatory changes will be discussed and presented in order to update those with Call Report preparation and review responsibilities. In addition, this 3-part virtual training will provide basic training for new preparers and include extensive coverage of new and complex issues for experienced preparers. New, proposed and revised changes will be presented in summary form at the beginning of the seminar with detailed discussion over the course of the training as we work through the schedules impacted by the changes applicable in current reporting as well as proposed reporting in the future. Participants will receive handout materials to support the training agenda. This training will cover the FFIEC 041 and 051 forms, however, if you file the FFIEC 031 report, the information covered will also benefit your bank. It is advised that participants bring a copy of their recent Call Report or print out a blank copy of the FFIEC form applicable to their bank.
Recorded September 11 - 13, 2023
Earn up to 9 hours of CPE
Navigating the ever-changing landscape of the Call Report is like embarking on an exciting journey. We've successfully traversed the winding path of extensive changes that have unfolded over the past few years, demonstrating our resilience and commitment to staying up-to-date in the dynamic world of finance. As we approach the second quarter-end of 2024, it is essential that we remain proactive in addressing questions and concerns that come from FASB revisions, the elimination of current terminology related to modified loans, and the accounting and reporting of modified loans. Staying well informed about accounting standards and regulatory changes is essential to ensure your institution’s Call Reports are accurate, compliant, and reflect the most current reporting requirements. The focus of this 6-hour training is designed to provide those with Call Report preparation and review responsibilities with information on new, proposed, and revised changes impacting June 2024 and beyond. You’ll be well-equipped during the training with comprehensive handout materials provided to support the agenda. We’ll focus on FFIEC 041 and 051 forms, but even if you file the FFIEC 031 report, you’ll find this information valuable. To get the most out of the training, we recommend bringing either a recent Call Report or a printed blank copy of the relevant FFIEC form for your bank. Get ready to make the most of this learning experience!
Recorded June 10 - 11, 2024
Earn up to 6 hours of CPE
Choosing the Right ALM Modeling Solution: In-House and Outsourced Solutions and Risk Assessments (Digital Version) With an introduction and explanatory copy throughout from Christine Mills, Managing Director of MountainView Financial Solutions, A Situs Company, this exclusive resource includes information on in-house models, outsourced models and risk assessments from the following industry-leading ALM model vendors: ALM First The Baker Group, LP Darling Consulting Group Empyrean Solutions FICast Data, An Empyrean Company Fiserv, Inc. IRR-analytics, LLC McQueen Financial Advisors, Inc. Plansmith ProBank Austin ZM Financial Systems (ZMFS) Whether you’re just getting started in your search for an ALM solution, considering a change of vendor or contemplating a shift from an in-house to outsourced model, this new online resource is full of helpful, practical guidance to help make the important decisions facing your institution.
When you consider everything you have to do to effectively manage your asset/liability process (interest rate risk modeling, liquidity measurement and management, contingency funding/planning, supporting model inputs and validating model outputs), it’s no wonder ALM and liquidity are a key area of focus not just for financial managers but also for examiners. Banks and credit unions of all sizes and complexities face new and unique challenges include maintaining accurate data, keeping abreast of regulatory requirements, and producing results in which stakeholders can have confidence. We are relying on models more than ever to manage our institutions but constantly find ourselves challenged to develop and support assumptions that reflect current business practices and to use the model in a way that drives strategic discussion and decision-making. This virtual program with Alpha Numeric Consulting, LLC and Darlign Consulting Group serves as a refresher course for those that have been involved with asset-liability management, continuing education for ALCO/Board members and senior management that are accountable but not involved in the day-to-day modeling, and a comprehensive overview and introduction to those that are new to the financial services industry. Informative and collaborative discussion is also helpful to all attendees, including staff, management and internal/external auditors. Over the course of two-days, this virtual four-hour seminar will provide you with detailed examples of how to most accurately construct a model that identifies your true risk profile and acts as a foundation for strategic discussions aimed at risk management and earnings optimization.
Recorded October 18 - 19, 2023
Earn up to 4 hours of CPE
DAY 1: Integrated Risk Forecasting A discussion of how ALCOs measure, monitor, mitigate, and manage balance sheet risks. The presentation, with Empyrean Solutions, will focus on the key risk management principles and practices applicable to ALCO as well as focusing on the importance of integrative modeling solutions. The presentation will address both interest rate and liquidity risk management. DAY 2: Advanced Practices in Risk Forecasting Building on the foundation established during Integrated Risk Forecasting, Advanced Practices will dive into more sophisticated applications of risk management that are available to institutions with a solid cashflow model. Particular focus will be on the changes and challenges facing financial institutions given the rapid rise in interest rates over the last year. Topics for this presentation will also include Profitability/Transfer Pricing, Non-Maturity Deposits, CECL, LIBOR transition, and strategy development.
Recorded October 31 - November 1, 2023
Regulators are sharpening their focus on institutional investment portfolios and their associated risks. FMS is pleased to partner with the portfolio management experts at ALM First to bring you this timely virtual education series. Join us as the ALM First team discusses the key components of a thoughtful investment process and how to apply traditional asset management principles within a depository framework. They’ll share why establishing a well-defined investment process is vital for a financial institution’s success, explore the macro factors driving risk in spread portfolios, discuss how diversification is at the core of long-term sustainable fixed-income portfolio performance, and take a deep dive into evaluating spread sectors and the factors to consider in the sub-sector allocation and security selection process. Don’t miss this virtual education session! Effective fixed-income portfolio management is much more than just buying a bond. Register today and learn how to leverage the strategies used by high-performing fixed-income portfolio managers to benefit your institution while managing risk.
Recorded October 11 - 12, 2023
Markets have changed significantly in the past few years, making capital allocation and relative value critical to sustainable financial success. Simply managing the status quo isn't an effective option anymore. Join ALM First experts for this virtual education series to explore why today's balance sheets should look different given modern market & risk considerations, and practical approaches to achieve a balance sheet aligned to your strategic objectives.
Recorded July 16 - 17, 2024