The Call Report is constantly in a state of change. We worked through the extensive changes that took place over the course of the past few years. As we are nearing the end of the third quarter of 2023, this virtual will re-visit the common questions that arose from CECL implementation. In addition, we will discuss reporting TDRs/Modified loans, as well as Reference Rate Reform matters as the termination of LIBOR became effective on June 30, 2023. This 3-part virtual will provide information on new, proposed and revised changes to the Call Report with identification of specific Call Report line items impacted. Accounting guidance and regulatory changes will be discussed and presented in order to update those with Call Report preparation and review responsibilities. In addition, this 3-part virtual training will provide basic training for new preparers and include extensive coverage of new and complex issues for experienced preparers. New, proposed and revised changes will be presented in summary form at the beginning of the seminar with detailed discussion over the course of the training as we work through the schedules impacted by the changes applicable in current reporting as well as proposed reporting in the future. Participants will receive handout materials to support the training agenda. This training will cover the FFIEC 041 and 051 forms, however, if you file the FFIEC 031 report, the information covered will also benefit your bank. It is advised that participants bring a copy of their recent Call Report or print out a blank copy of the FFIEC form applicable to their bank.
Recorded September 11 - 13, 2023
Earn up to 9 hours of CPE